Eucharistic Ministers are responsible for assisting in the administering of Communion. They typically have a special devotion to the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. In consultation with the individual ministers, a rota below is organised for the week-end masses. A number of meetings are held through the year to discuss issues arising from the practice of this ministry: please check the front page calendar for these meetings.
Contact: Eunice SMITH Volunteers welcomed
Saint Joseph Church, 50, avenue Hoche, Paris 8ème
Sat 6:30 pm |
Sunday 9:30 am |
Sunday 11.00 am |
Sunday 12:30 pm |
Sunday 6:30 pm |
Sunday 4 June Solemnity of the Holy Trinity |
Lector: Natasha Vaz
Eucharistic Minister: Eunice Smith |
Lector: Henedina Paul
Eucharistic Minister: Florence Rosario
Lector: Bhing Minia
Eucharistic Ministers: Stephanie Thom Denise Scarpelli |
Lector: Aiza Lugue
Eucharistic Ministers: Colette Goldstein Yvette Dzeble
Lector: Haira Aldave
Eucharistic Minister:
Sunday 11 June Body and Blood of Christ |
Lector: Lordia Yalley
Eucharistic Minister: Rubie Francisco |
Lector: Michael Nebu
Eucharistic Minister: Claudine Fearon |
Lector: Confirmation Class
Eucharistic Minister: CCD Teachers
Lector: Aiza Lugue
Eucharistic Minister: Colette Goldstein Florence Rosario
Lector: Anna Martin
Eucharistic Minister:
Sunday 18 June 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time |
Lector: Rubie Francisco
Eucharistic Minister: Eunice Smith |
Lector: Shanti Anton
Eucharistic Minister: Gerard Fearon |
Lector: Abigail Thom
Eucharistic Ministers: Adriano Zanin Stephanie Thom
Lector: Margaret Huguenot
Eucharistic Ministers: Colette Goldstein xxxxxx |
Lector: Haira Aldave
Eucharistic Minister:
Sunday 25 June 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time |
Lector: Paula San Juan
Eucharistic Minister: Rubie Francisco |
Lector: Mary Andre
Eucharistic Minister: Laura Ndayong |
Lector: Neetu Canute
Eucharistic Ministers: Yvette Dzeble Adriano Zanin |
Lector: Lordia Yalley
Eucharistic Ministers: Colette Goldstein xxxxxx |
Lector: Bhing Minia
Eucharistic Minister: Denise Scarpelli