Parish Pastoral Council


PARISH COUNCIL MEETING  meets regularly at  7:30pm Please Check Bulletin.

 Each Ministry is encouraged to have at least one representative present. Please support this dialogue as we listen for the Spirit in the signs of our times. Contact:

St Joseph’s is an English speaking Roman Catholic Parish with parishioners coming from over 40 different countries and every continent in the world. A Parish Pastoral Council was established to advise and support the parish priest. This consultative body which is rooted in Vatican II provides advice on pastoral, administrative and structural development matters regarding the parish community (Code of Canon Law 536).

The criteria for becoming a Council member include being an active Catholic, being registered in the Parish, and being invited to serve in this capacity. Currently representatives of each Ministry are serving alongside the Pastor(Fr Martin Coffey C.P.) on the Pastoral Council, which reflects our multicultural diversity in its composition and do not represent any particular national, ethnic or age group in the parish. 

The Pastoral Council works to foster a sense of unity and belonging within the parish by supporting opportunities for parishioners to contribute to and participate in the spiritual growth of St. Joseph’s. Council Members are also available to the wider Parish community to respond to general questions and to receive suggestions and comments.  Contact information is available in the Bulletins

To ensure the continued success of Parish activities and our spiritual growth as a vibrant Catholic community we need your participation, support and prayers.