Bulletin 18 June 2023

11th Sunday in Ordinary time-18 June 2023
Saint Joseph’s Passionist Church
(01) 42 27 28 56 [Int’l + 33 1]
Website: www.stjoeparis.org
Saturday: Vigil Mass: 6.30 p.m.; Sun Mass: 9.30 am, 11 & 12.30, 6.30 pm
Confession: Saturday: 11.30 – 12.30 & 5 – 6 p.m. or by appointment.

Church Collections 11 June: €3859.86; Coffee/Tea €74.99; bookstall: €45.08; ADP: €220. Many Thanks for your generosity
If you pay Tax in France, you may use the Diocese Tax Receipt, 66% rebate on income tax. Cheque to St Joseph’s ADP or from our website  

CCD Registrations last Sunday went really well, thanks to the dedication of our CCD team,
a great number of children are now registered on our program
can also  register  online via ww.stjoeparis.org
contact for the parish Office stjosephparis@orange.fr
to return CCD books (Recycle program)
to volunteer as a teacher or assistant

A bake sale is organised after the 11am Mass Sunday 18 June by Scouts of St Ambroise Church, Paris.
Preparation is on: Saturday 17 June at 11am. Next Baptism ceremony 1st July
the HOMELESS is on Sat  1st July  at 11:00am. Contact YAM

Summer Fair SUNDAY 25 June, 
10am to 3pm. 
The Summer Fair provides important finance for St Joseph’s over the quiet summer months.
Lots of games, Karaoke, food stalls for lunch and specialties on sale.
Tombola Tickets
on sale after all Masses! Prize list: i-Phone 14+; Family Disney tickets; Electric Scooter; Girl’s scooter aged 9-14; Boy’s scooter aged 9-14; Jewellery set; Bible set; Japanese tea set; Cup and saucer set; Champagne; Flower vases; Baking pan; Vintage kettle; Speak Easy Puzzle books ;  tickets  Bateaux Parisiens Cruise on Seine; Family ticket to Musée de la Magie, an invitation for 6 at the Irish Embassy for a guided tour by the Ambassador followed by a reception
“Thanks to the gifts donated & efforts of volunteers, Tombola prze list is growing thanks to doantors. It  raised over €3000 for the moment. Any help gladly received ?Chris: c.fitzsimons@orange.fr
For information and to help before or on the day, please contact liz@dehaas.fr

Pastoral parish council meeting will be held on Monday 26 June at 19:30
Laudato Si:
Please note the film event below,  You are welcome to join in.

Marriage Bans: Liaza Montoya & Mark Betis ; Saturday 24 June;  3pm at St Joseph’s

Bulletin 11 June 2023

Corpus Christi: Solemnity, 11 June 2023
Saint Joseph’s Passionist Church
(01) 42 27 28 56 [Int’l + 33 1]
Website: www.stjoeparis.org
Saturday: Vigil Mass: 6.30 p.m.; Sun Mass: 9.30 am, 11 & 12.30, 6.30 pm
Exceptionally :  No Confessions: Saturday morning, 10th June

Confession 17 june: Saturday: 11.30 – 12.30 & 5 – 6 p.m. or by appointment.

Church Collections 4 June: €2682.07; Coffee/Tea €122.79; shrines: 220.24; ADP: €220. (May: Ascension: 784.42; FHC 423.76; Confirmation: 414.07,)
Many Thanks for your generosity
If you pay Tax in France, you may use the Diocese Tax Receipt, 66% rebate on income tax. Cheque to St Joseph’s ADP or from our website

CCD Thanksgiving Mass & CCD Registrations for all classes
this Sunday, June 11th : Mass at 11:00am, followed by a party in the garden.  This is an opportunity:
– to celebrate our catechism ministry,
– to learn more about CCD,
– to volunteer as a teacher or assistant
– to return CCD books
(Recycle program)
– to register for 2023-2024 CCD program.   contact for the parish Office stjosephparis@orange.fr
CCD Registration Form also online: www.stjoeparis.org

Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers Meeting: Sat  10 June from 9:30 to 11:30 am.
A bake sale is organised after the 11am Mass next Sunday 18 June by Scouts of St Ambroise church, Paris.
ACWO Mass: 2pm on June 13, is not at St Joseph’s, we will meet in a member’s home that day. if you wish to participate, Contact Rebecca: rbouygues@yahoo.com

Summer Fair SUNDAY 25 June, 10 to 3pm.  The Summer Fair provides important finance for St Joseph’s over the quiet summer months.
Lots of games, Karaoke, food stalls for lunch and specialties on sale. Tombola Tickets on sale after all Masses!
Prize list: i-Phone 14+; Family Disney tickets; Electric Scooter; Girl’s scooter aged 9-14; Boy’s scooter aged 9-14; Jewellery set; Bible set; Japanese tea set; Cup and saucer set; Champagne; Flower vases; Baking pan; Vintage kettle; Speak Easy Puzzle books ;  tickets  Bateaux Parisiens Cruise on Seine.
“Thanks to the gifts donated & efforts of volunteers, Tombola so far has raised €2878 Help needed for tickets and/or donating prize CCD students encouraged to join sales team. Any help gladly received ?Chris: c.fitzsimons@orange.fr
For information or to help before or on the day, please contact liz@dehaas.fr
Baptism Preparation is on:
Saturday 17 June at 11am.
Congratulations to Marymount
candidates who celebrated their Confirmation on 9th June and  FHC on Saturday 10 June at St Jacques Church, Neuilly.Please pray for these young Christians.

Marriage Bans: Liaza Montoya and Mark Betis ; Saturday 24 June;  3pm at St Joseph’s

June 11, 2023


The feast of Corpus Christi is a great festival of Catholic faith. All over the world Catholics mark this feast with wonderful displays of devotion including processions, floral tributes, adoration and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.  We sing wonderful hymns that celebrate the Real Presence of Jesus among us in the Holy Eucharist.   The feast calls us to a deeper devotion to Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament and to spend more time with him in adoration.

The Eucharist is food for our Christian lives.  Through it we are united with Christ and he shares his life with us.  When we receive the Body and Blood of Christ we are sharing in a special way in the saving passion and death of Jesus.  He loved us so much that he freely gave his Body and Blood on the cross for us.

The Eucharist helps us to become more like Christ who loved us and gave his life for us. From him we learn the essential lessons of Christian love, forgiveness, compassion and service.  By receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion we become the living members of Christ’s body, the Church in the world today.

As we celebrate this beautiful feast and receive the Body of Christ in Holy Communion, we pray that we will become more and more like Christ and bring his love and mercy to the people we meet wherever we go.