10 September 2023: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary time
Tel: (01) 42 27 28 56 [Int’l + 33 1]; Email stjosephparis@orange.fr
Website: saintjosephs.fr
Saturday: Vigil Mass: 6.30 p.m.; Sun Mass: 9.30 am, 11 & 12.30, 6.30 pm
Confession Saturday: 11.30 – 12.30 & 5 – 6 p.m. or by appointment.
Please, also check the website for news and updates.
Bible Study: starts 4 October with a potluck lunch afterwards. We’ll be studying the captivity letters of St Paul. You can find out more, including all our dates here https://biblestudystjosephsparis.wordpress.com/
Teen Faith Ministry 2pm to 4pm on Sat 16 Sept. Meetings on a monthly basis, plus other events
Marriage preparation will start October 8th on zoom with Guadalupe and David: 4:00pm to 5:30pm (six sessions, all in English). Please Email the stjosephparis@orange.fr or pinreachi@hotmail.com
FEED the HOMELESS on Sat 9 Sept and 7 Oct at 11:00am. Contact YAM.
Baptism Preparation 7 oct at 11am; Baptisms twice a month at 12:30pm. Registrations via our website only
INFORMATION DAY on 8 October 10am to 2pm: Please welcome newcomers, meet and discover the Parish Ministries presented. In garden if nice weather.
Catechism – CCD Starts Sunday 17 September, 9:30am or 11:00am
Parents: Today 10th Sept, please look at the Boards for registered children’s lists: Each child has been allocated a class: Please find class time and teacher’s name.
Teachers’ meeting Saturday 9th September at 3pm in Hall; Commissioning & Blessing of CCD teachers at the 11am Mass Sunday 10 September.
FHC and Confirmation parents meeting Sunday 17 sept at 12pm
For FHC & Confirmation, please scan your child’s Baptism Certificate to stjosephparis@orange.fr
For more information or to offer help please contact liz@dehaas.fr
Please Note: There will be Bible Reading to children (4yrs+) during 9:30am Mass, except school holidays. This is informal – No registration necessary. Starts 24 Sept 2023
RCIA for Adults : starts in October

A very warm welcome back to all of you after the summer break. We’ve just had the hottest week of the summer in Paris and so it still feels like holiday time. It might help the make the winter shorter.
September is a busy time in the parish welcoming new people and getting ready for the start of CCD. Let me extend a warm welcome to all of you who are new to Paris or to St. Joseph’s. We are always very happy to meet new people and look forward to your contribution to our life here. If there is anything you need from us, you need only speak to Fr. Martin or drop a line to the parish office and we will do our best to respond.
I want to draw your attention to the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or more simply the RCIA programme that will begin in October. This is a series of classes and rituals to prepare adults who want to be baptised or to join the Catholic Church. Every year we have a small group of adults in this programme. We meet every Thursday evening for one hour. The course concludes with baptism at the Easter Vigil. If you or a friend are not yet baptised and would like to become a Christian, or if you are a member of another Christian community and would like to enter the Catholic Church, this programme is for you. You will find more information on our website.
As the weeks go by, you will find more information in the Bulletin about the different activities and groups working in the parish. We are always looking for volunteers and there is certainly a service or a job that suits you and your talents.
Once again, you are all welcome back and we look froward to a great year in St. Joseph’s that will strengthen us in faith and deepen the bonds of friendship and charity.