25 June 2023: 12th Sunday in Ordinary time
Tel: (01) 42 27 28 56 [Int’l + 33 1]
Email stjosephparis@orange.fr
Saturday: Vigil Mass: 6.30 p.m.;
Sun Mass from 2 July to 27 August: 10,12 & 6.30 pm
Confession Saturday: 11.30 – 12.30 & 5 – 6 p.m. or by appointment.
YOUR BULLETIN will be on holiday in July & August & will back in Sept
Please, Check the website for updates.
Church Collections 18 June: €2804.30; Coffee/Tea €55.10; ADP: €220.
Shrine 2 weeks: €266.30. Many Thanks for your generosity
If you pay Tax in France, you may use the Diocese Tax Receipt, 66% rebate on income tax. Cheque to St Joseph’s ADP or from our website
CCD Registrations continue online via our website
contact for the parish Office stjosephparis@orange.fr
– to return CCD books (Recycle program)
– to volunteer as a teacher or assistant
Pastoral parish council meeting will be Monday 26 June at 19:30 (Teams)Marriage preparation starts October 8thFEED the HOMELESS is on Sat 1st July at 11:00am. Contact YAM
Summer Fair – SUNDAY 25 June was a great success. The Summer Fair provides important finance for St Joseph’s over the quiet summer months.
Lots of games, Karaoke, food stalls for lunch & specialties, huge Raffle kindly run by fantastic volunteers, Many thanks to All. Final result TBA
Fr Martin’s Word: Today we are celebrating our life together in St. Jospeh’s parish with the Summer Fair. We will thank God in the liturgy and spend time together in the garden, enjoying each other’s company, sharing some food and drink, winning a price or two, and generally celebrating our fellowship as parishioners of St. Joseph’s.
I want to thank all of you for your warm welcome since I came here last September. As I explained then, this is my first experience of parish life and every moment has been a joy and a privilege.
We are blessed in this parish with a strong community spirit, and the willingness of everyone to play their part in helping to strengthen and deepen our Christian life and fellowship.
Today I salute all of you who put in the time and the hard work to prepare for the Summer Fair, looking for doners, selling tickets, preparing the garden, cooking food, providing music and games etc. etc. Thanks also to all of you for spending time with us in the garden. In doing so you are expressing your gratitude and commitment to the parish.
I know many of you will be travelling during the next few months. I wish you all a wonderful vacation with your families and friends. Travel safely and I look forward to seeing you all again in the Autumn.