Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – RCIA welcomes adults preparing for Baptism and Catholics already baptised who wish to be Confirmed. Info: stjosephparis@orange.fr Please pray for all our RCIA candidates.
Class from October to Easter 2025 each Thursday, 8:00 p.m. (breaks for Christmas and other dates). A topic is presented each week for consideration and discussion. If you have a Bible please bring it to the sessions. We gather at St Joseph’s according to regulations.
- Baptism candidates appel Decisif by Mgr Ulrich in reopened Notre Dame: Sat 8 March at 10am
- Sacraments: Baptism, Full Communion & Confirmations: Easter Vigil 19 April, 9pm at St Joseph’s.

Easter Vigil 30 March 2024: 3 Adults received Baptism and the Sacraments of initiation, 2 entered Full Communion with the catholic church and 3 received Confirmation. A beautiful ceremony.
(Adult confirmations can be celebrated either at St Joseph’s at Easter or also at Saint Sulpice at Pentecost Vigil or November)
For adults who seek to become Catholic, RCIA provides a gradual progress into understanding Catholic belief, a gentle growing involvement in this community, and friendship with other believers. Emphasis is placed on personal decision and spiritual growth. The R.C.I.A. team includes parishioners who accompany candidates on their spiritual journey. Baptisms are celebrated at Saint Joseph’s Church every year at Easter Vigil.
CONTACT : An interview with the priest is a pre-requisite to joining the sessions : email Father Martin
Essential Documents for participants:
- Birth Certificate issued within the last 3 Months.
- Baptism Certificate issued within the last 3 Months- {Applicable only to Candidates for Confirmation or if already baptised in another Christian Church}
- If married, copy of your Marriage Certificate – issued within the past 3 months
- Archdiocese of Paris (forms given at the start of RCIA) as follows :“Fiche de Renseignements” – Information form
- “Entrée Catechumenat” – signed by candidates.
- “Appel décisif” – signed by Baptism candidate
- “Confirmation” – signed by those already baptised, preparing for Confirmation
- A Letter to our Bishop by all candidates explaining your request to be baptised and /or confirmed, key events in your journey of faith and who inspired you to apply for Sacraments.
adressed to « Monseigneur Laurent Ulrich », new Archbishop of Paris; letter can be in English or French. - Name of Sponsor for your reception into the Catholic Church.
2023 At Easter Vigil, 2 candidates received their Baptism & Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation); 2 were received into Full Communion & confirmed
2022: 4 candidates received their Baptism & Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation); 4 were received into Full Communion & confirmed and 2 received Confirmation.
2021: 3 candidates received their Baptism and 3 confirmed at Easter Vigil 3 April 2021; 2 candidates for Full Communion 6th June and one on 17 July 2021
RCIA Sacraments of Initiation could not be celebrated last Easter Vigil, 11th April 2020 at 9 p.m. in St Joseph’s Church.
We are glad that all of our candidates have been baptised, others admitted in Full Communion & confirmed during the summer months.
Confirmations by Archbishop Aupetit were celebrated at St Sulpice for 5 of our candidates on Saturday 12th September 2020.
Five candidates received Baptism & Confirmation ; one Full Communion, one Confirmation at Easter Vigil on 20 April 2019, one was confirmed in St Sulpice Church at Pentecost Vigil.