Lenten Project 2024

FOR TAX RECEIPTS: € donations directly from our website or cheques to “St Joseph ADP” are 66% tax refundable. Please advise by email when donating online to the Lenten projects at stjosephparis@orange.fr
US $ cheques to “St Joseph’s church” tax receipts on demand at stjosephparis@orange.fr

« Behind our hospitals in Tabarre, It is the Riviere Grise, or the gray river, along which thousands of internal Haitian refugees are living, fleeing massacres and violence. This is life between a rock and a hard place, with no exaggeration. Although food distributions can be totally chaotic if not well organized, it is amazing how fast the atmosphere becomes festive »
Each food package is roughly $17 »

« Thank you for your support for our people of Ukraine. This year, we focus on helping children and young people. Many children have been out of regular school activities for several years now (first COVID then the war), making them virtually out of touch with their peers due to the nature of the country’s rural regions. Both in parishes and at the House of Mercy, we try to create space for learning and playing, as well as developing talents and skills. Children of different religions participate in the activities, and under the care of the Daughters of Charity and volunteers they can develop social skills and participate in online school activities where schools are closed. 
We plan to purchase the necessary items for this activity, as well as food to provide the children with at least a modest meal. »
Camps for different age groups will also be held once again during the summer. Nearly 90 people took part in them last summer.